If you want to stay at different places when you’re walking the Calderdale Way but don’t want to carry big bags with you we can help!
We offer a baggage transfer service for anyone doing the Calderdale way. We’ll collect any of your bags in the morning and take them to your next nights accommodation. This means you can walk with a day bag – definitely helpful with all the ups and downs on the route!
We work on the principle that most people will do the walk in five days, so our pricing covers five pick-up-and-drop-offs per booking. We’re flexible in terms of itinerary, so it doesn’t matter to us where you start and finish each day. We’ll collect bags by 11AM every morning (bags need to be ready for collection by 9AM), and deliver them by 3PM every day – please make sure your accommodation provider is OK with that (particularly AirB&Bs) and has somewhere safe to leave bags for collection and drop off that we will be able to access.
We don’t charge by person or by bag. Instead we charge £100 per transfer package, maximum of four bags with a maximum weight for each bag of 20kg. If you want additional bags or additional days, we can do that – both at an additional £25 each per bag/day per booking.
Interested? Just complete the booking form below.